четверг, 3 февраля 2011 г.

Even More Captain America Images Surface Online

"Even More Captain America Images Surface Online"src="http://www.cinemablend.com/images/news_img/22976/Captain_America_The_First_Avenger_22976.jpg"style="border: 1px solid black;margin:1px;margin-left:5px;position:relative;"align="right"vspace="3">Earlier this week, the cover for the new issue of Empire came online, giving us yetanother look at the heroof what should be one of this summer's biggest blockbusters:Captain America: The First Avenger. But, as I said then, it was unlikely that it would be the only new image from the film that they would be printing and today I've been proven right.

Screen Cravehas gotten their hands on some scans from the inside of the newest issue ofEmpirethat provide looks at an assortment of characters, including the first shots of Richard Armitage as Heinz Kruger and even a teeny, tiny look at Tommy Lee Jones, who plays Col. Chester Phillips. The spread also gives us another look at Chris Evans in full Cap uniform (including helmet), once again making the argument that he looks totally badass.

Check out three of the pics below and for more head on over toScreen Crave. For more onCaptain America: The First Avenger, head on over to ourBlend Film Database


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